is Jason Theobald’s next evolution in physique contest preparation and high end athlete nutritional guidance—CUSTOMIZED NUTRITION-INDIVIDUALIZED SUPPORT. Jason and his team of experts work with all bodybuilders, men's physique, figure, women’s physique, bikini, general nutrition and any athletes in the offseason looking to make improvements for physique competitions along with high performance athletic endeavors.
Scooby Prep does not believe in a one-diet-approach to each client. Each client is unique, from their age, gender, to their daily activity levels, not to mention differing body-types. Scooby coaches understand how finicky the different body-types can be and is well known for being versed in all contest preparation strategies, and employing the best one based on the information presented by the client.
Meet The Team
Jason TheobaldSPECIALTY: working with all Physique competitors and working with top athletes |
Meghan Santa BarbaraSPECIALTY: Working with general nutrition clients on creating custom macro-based nutritional programs as well as training programs for all levels (beginner to advanced lifters). |
Chris San JuanSPECIALTY: Designing custom nutrition and training programs specific to individual needs and goals |
Meredith PaciSPECIALTY: Working with functional health, general nutrition clients and athletes. Creating custom macro-based nutrition protocols based on the individuals goals. |
Brennan KerchnerSPECIALTY: Offseason and general nutrition. Novice and first time competitors. |
Kate LaneSPECIALTY: Working with figure and bikini athletes to perfect their posing and stage presence. |
Jason has said said, “I’m probably a better coach than competitive bodybuilder. I learned harshly early on I was NOT a genetic freak, and if I wanted to win, I would have to out-prep everyone and show up peeled to the bone. It was that desire that led to my extensive reading and research on the different strategies to employ to accomplish this goal with my stubborn genetics.” It’s that very reason that Jason is sought after today as one of the top contest prep coaches: all of his clients are known for coming into shows in their best condition.
Jason provides some of the best customer service to his athletes in the business. You won’t wait to get a response to any of your questions, and Jason is very proactive when adjustments need to be made. Ever tried waiting three to four days to get an answer from your coach while valuable time is passing? Jason has, and he vowed to never do that to his athletes. Because of that desire Scooby Prep has brought on more coaches, each meticulously trained by Jason himself, to help cater to the growing client list.
Feel free to read over some of the testimonials on this site and we'd be more than happy to put you in touch with one of the many past or current Scooby Prep clients if you want to ask them questions. We are 100% confident they will all tell you the same thing, so what are you waiting for? Let’s get you in the best shape of your life!